hey is that Adam Neely's infinite bass solo zombie?
yeah it is
still goin!
dude his zombie slays it
RIP Adam Neely
While Adam was alive, he recorded 2 hours of bass jamming. We (CJ+Zack) ran three SampleRNN experiments on that dataset. The first one (trained at 16kHz) didn't come out so good. There was too much noise in the highs, the bass patterns were slow and soupy, and the timbre was mushy. Next we EQed the dataset to boost the high-mids for a brighter timbre, and we trained at 8kHz (which cuts out everything above 4kHz; not much was lost for bass guitar). This eliminated the noise, and helped the RNN learn patterns 2x as long. This is because, for the net, halving the sample rate is kinda like doubling the speed. Finally we curated the dataset to include mostly fast licks. This improved the overall quality. SampleRNN likes fast tempos. We explore various epochs and temperature values. Sometimes the high temperatures sound like two basses playing at the same time. As if it were some kind of..shadow bass..
Livestreaming to YouTube 24/7 from a cloud server, cursed to haunt the internet until equal temperament is destroyed
The audio from this stream can be sampled. It has a CC-BY license -- Adam encourages you to remix it and let him know what you do with it!! → https://drive.google.com/file/d/16It9aM1xvDSzCtDd76Vg_78OidGtRGBF/view?usp=sharing
MAKING OF → https://youtu.be/2xMhRwxXJTc
Respawn #2; original livestream here → https://youtu.be/VBXNr-msjfQ
Infinite Bass Solo
hey is that Adam Neely's infinite bass solo zombie? yeah yeah it is still goin! dude his zombie slays it RIP Adam Neely While ...