The Hood 24/7 Music | Request and Play | Rap, Metal, Pop, NCS, VGM #Rickgang ​

The Hood 24/7 Music | Request and Play | Rap, Metal, Pop, NCS, VGM #Rickgang ​ Listen

A livestream from MC Rick published in Metal

please subscribe to my backup account as we are under attack by trolls


24/7 request music stream

type !sr followed by song name to add a song to the playlist

type !song for the name of current song

type !nextsong for next song on the playlist

type !wrongsong to cancel last request

type !coins/!best!/!flipcoin for coins game

type !ud to look up any word on urban dictionary

type !rps for rock paper scissors bot

i do not own any of the music in here that is requested by the users and i make no money from this