Happy Morning Cafe Music - Relaxing Jazz & Bossa Nova Music For Work, Study, Wake up by Jazz Lounge Channel
月曜コーヒー: Positive Morning Music - Appealing Background Jazz for Cafe Coffee, Relax, Study, work by BGM channel
SUNDAY MORNING JAZZ: Sweet Jazz and Bossa Nova Music for a Beautiful Morning and Positive Day by Vinyl Jazz Music
SUNDAY COFFEE: Smooth October Jazz - Relax Autumn Jazz & Bossa Nova Music to Chill Out by Cafe Music BGM channel
【Relaxing Music】Coffee Jazz Music Live Radio|聽著輕鬆的爵士樂,細細品味咖啡的香濃,在家營造咖啡館氛圍|Starbucks Music【JunMan】 by JunMan
WEEKEND JAZZ: Chill Out Hip Hop Jazz & Smooth Slow Jazz Instrumental for Relax, Lazy Weekend by Cafe Music BGM channel
Cozy Autumn JAZZ Playlist - Beautiful Background Bossa Nova JAZZ For Great Autumn Mood by Lounge Music
Autumn Saturday Bossa Nova JAZZ Music - Relaxing Instrumental Guitar and Piano JAZZ Playlist by Lounge Music
Enjoyable Saturday JAZZ - Pleasant Autumn Bossa JAZZ For Relaxing and Have a Good Weekend by Relax Music
SATURDAY JAZZ: Cozy Calm Piano Music - Slow Instrumental Music for Resting, Reading and Relaxing by BGM channel
SLOW JAZZ: Warm Autumn Season Soft Jazz - Warm Autumn Jazz for Good Mood and Stress Relief by BGM channel