Our Playlist on Spotify: https://trap.li/spotify
Bringing you the best music 🎶 in commercial and underground Nepali Hip Hop by many Nepali rap artists like: Vten, Laure, Uniq Poet, Grizzle, Symfamous, Mc Flo, Chirag Khadka, Sacar aka Lil Buddha, Urgen Moktan, Pakku Panda, Grizzle, Bryhmin and many more.
📝 We will be adding and removing songs from this playlist regularly.
➡️ This Live stream is purely made for promotional purpose and if artists want their song added / removed from this playlist, they may do it so by reaching us through our email:
📧 trapnepal@gmail.com
🎉🎉 We are always looking for new artists and if you guys want us to check out any song, Let us know in the Live chat !! 🎉🎉
Trap Nepal : https://trap.li/trapnepal
#TrapNepal #NepaliHipHop #LiveMusic