24/7 SOUNDSCAPE RADIO [Neo-Soul, Contemporary R&B, Indie Pop, Indie Electronic]TonebyGridge

24/7 SOUNDSCAPE RADIO [Neo-Soul, Contemporary R&B, Indie Pop,  Indie Electronic]TonebyGridge Listen

A livestream from Tone by Gridge published in Rock

Thank you for watching "24/7 Feel Good Indie Sounds Radio" featuring more talented independent artists and creators! The radio plays several genres of music (non-instrumental) from all over the world.

If you’re in the mood of listening to some non-instrumental but chill music, try listening to this. ALL songs really brings me up! (We add new songs every week!)

世界中のインディペンデントアーティストにフォーカスした24時間365日止まらない音楽ラジオ「SOUNDSCAPE RADIO」

→ 25/05/2020


⚪Apple MusicPlaylist


📝 For Artist Music Submissions

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[Spotify] https://open.spotify.com/user/3nrze29945ez8hx81nixu0gan
[Apple music] https://music.apple.com/profile/tonebygridge
[Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/tonebygridge


🚫音楽のコピーライトは法的権利を持つ所有者に帰属します。この動画に関してはTone by Gridgeに帰属します。

🚫The copyright of the music belongs to the owner of its legal right. And that of this video belongs to Tone by Gridge.

#TonebyGrdige #soundscape #Staytuned