B.B. King Style Blues Backing Track in A minor

B.B. King Style Blues Backing Track in A minor Listen

A livestream from Backing Track by N published in Blues

🎵 B.B. King Style Blues Backing Track in A minor
"The Thrill Is Gone" Theme

🎶 Tempo: 90 bpm
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➤ By improvising over backing tracks you can improve these features:
🎶 Your timing.
🎼 Your improvisation skills.
🎵 Your musical skills.

➤ And also you can practice:
🎼 Your favorite riffs, licks, scales, and any kinds of musical ideas.
🎵 Playing chords along to the playback.

❤️ Have fun with backing tracks!

🎸🎺🎷🎹🎻 For Guitar or any Soloist, like Sax, Synth, Piano, etc.

➤ In my channel, you explore many different chord progressions, grooves and musical styles in many different keys. Enjoy backing tracks of different musical genres, such as Rock, Blues, Pop, Country, Funk, Jazz, and more.

🤘 Thanks for improvising!

Enjoy ❤️