Coffee Time Chill ☕️ Lofi Hip Hop Mix
#LofiMelosy #LofiCafé #Lofi
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☘ Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW9xc1My2eGpr8kNe0Ox7GA
➤ Music provided by EMVN
Follow EMVN Music on: https://emvn.sourceaudio.com/
For music submission: http://emvn.co/submitdemo
For partner enrollment: network@emvn.co
For license inquiry: license@emvn.co
Follow Artists:
Melosy: https://emvn.fanlink.to/melosy
Vprod Publishing: https://emvn.fanlink.to/VPRODPublishing
Dreamhop Music: https://emvn.fanlink.to/DreamhopMusic
🎶 About us:
Lofi Café belongs to Melosy. Welcome to Lofi Café. This channel is a lofi station that plays relaxing and peaceful music 24/7. Here you can find chill music on cold winter nights, falling rain songs or some soft piano lofi songs.
• This video was given a special license directly from the artist's visual.
• All music on Lofi Café are copyrighted.
✉ Contact Infor: Network@melosy.net