5.22.20 (Fri 19:00-23:00)
YouTube https://youtu.be/LFO7gpAiqVw
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/n_dazzledrums/
Donorbox (Credit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal)
JST 19:00-23:00
UTC 10:00-14:00
EST 05:00-09:00
COVID-19における状況を踏まえ、5月22日金曜夜にライブ配信をします。Dazzle DrumsのYouTubeとInstagramにて19-23時にDJセットを配信予定です。
今回は、House Classicsにフォーカスして全てレコードでプレイします。よりディープでパーソナルなセットを予定しています。
Based on the situation at COVID-19, Dazzle Drums will be streaming live on Friday night, May 22nd. DJ set will be distributed on YouTube and Instagram of Dazzle Drums from JST 19:00-23:00, UTC 10:00-14:00, EST 05:00-09:00.
This time we will focus on House Classics and play All Vinyl. We are planning more deep and each personal set.
Anyone can watch, but we decided to continue to donation. If you like it and could afford it, it will be helpful if you donation. Please note that this fundraising does not compensate for the line status of live online.
We hope can dance again with you.