Delta Blues I IV V Progression, Show Me How Videos

Delta Blues I IV V Progression, Show Me How Videos Listen

A livestream from livaboard published in Blues

Learn Delta Blues Slide Guitar With Ruben Dobbs of Swampcandy

Let Us Show You How


•How to play the original style of blues
•Finger picking techniques
•Slide techniques
•Blues progressions
•Foot stomping
•Open tunings for slide guitar
•Riffs in open tunings
•Slide techniques outside the delta blues style
•Some history of the delta blues
•How to boogie

Your Host: Ruben Dobbs of Swampcandy

Ruben Dobbs will walk you through step by step in this instructional video on how to play the delta blues. Mr. Dobbs is an accomplished song writer and recording artist.

Ruben has been teaching guitar since age 17 and has been playing delta blues since age 13. In this video he uses his years of teaching experience to give you the tools to play traditional delta blues or to simply acquire new tools to improve yourself as a musician. Ruben takes you from entry level skills to advanced lessons on slide guitar and explains all in explicit detail.

Take an educational journey in to the music style that influenced THE WHITE STRIPES, ERIC CLAPTON, LED ZEPPLEN, THE BLACK KEYS and JIMI HENDRIX. This is the same music style played by ROBERT JOHNSON, SON HOUSE and BUKKA WHITE. This is the delta blues as taught by Ruben Dobbs.