Doujin Jazz/Bossa Nova/Classical Music Bar 🎹🍹

Doujin Jazz/Bossa Nova/Classical Music Bar 🎹🍹 Listen

A livestream from Elegant Sister (ES) published in Jazz

Video thumbnail Illustration by '山桃':


Animation illustration by 'Sin:ck':

Animation Illustration from album '?? - Haili' by Street:

浅羽ロキ - [Re:prosperitás #02] Café in a Dusk
Aine - [Life is Kinetics] In a Diabolic Manner
Sakuzyo - [Food and Musik CD1 #01] Trattoria
Sakuzyo - [Last Dance #07] Stoicism
Shibayan Records - [TOHO BOSSA NOVA 8 #09] ふわふわどれみー
Shibayan - [TOHO BOSSA NOVA 6 #02] 風舞う春に
ユメガタリ - [ユメの喫茶店 #01] ユメの喫茶店
ユメガタリ - [ユメの喫茶店 #02] ようこそトロイメへ
ユメガタリ - [ユメの喫茶店 #03] 日差しの中のティータイム
ユメガタリ - [ユメの喫茶店 #04] ユノのアトリエ
ユメガタリ - [ユメの喫茶店 #05] YU.ME.NO!
ユメガタリ - [ユメの喫茶店 #06] 昼下がりのメリエンダ
ユメガタリ - [ユメの喫茶店 #07] 雨の日トロイメライ
ユメガタリ - [ユメの喫茶店 #08] スノーヘルツ
ユメガタリ - [ユメの喫茶店 #09] Our home
ユメガタリ feat. ユノ - [ユメの喫茶店 #10] トロイメ・ダイアリー
Sakuzyo - [Food and Musik CD1 #03] Sidewalk Cafe
Sakuzyo - [Food and Musik CD1 #04] Cake
Sakuzyo - [Food and Musik CD1 #08] imp
Sakuzyo - [Food and Musik CD1 #10] Moan
Sakuzyo - [Creamy Room #06] 06 Gentle Stream
Sakuzyo - [Creamy Room #02] 02 Wet and Dry
Sakuzyo - [Creamy Room #03] 03 fragrance
Sakuzyo - [Creamy Room #05] 05 Abandoned
削除 - [reAdvent CD1 #06] Noath
Sound Souler - [Lavenue #01] Paradise (Extended Mix)
Sound Souler - [Lavenue #07] Tolerance (Original Mix)
Sound Souler - [Lavenue #11] Funky Life (Extended Mix)
Sound Souler - [Omnifer Silva #01] After Paradise
Sound Souler - [Omnifer Silva #02] Lilac Dance
Sound Souler - [Colorful Alchemist - Fancy Room #02] Non#Destination Trip
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #01] いつもの道 - La route habituelle
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #02] ロマンス - Romance
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #03] お出かけ日和 - C'est une belle journée
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #04] 街角のアコーディオン弾き - L'accordéoniste dans une rue
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #05] 泥棒ネコを捕まえろ! - Chasse le chat voleur!
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #06] お屋敷のジェントルキャット - Le chat gentilhomme du manoir
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #07] 猫の憂鬱 - La mélancolie de chat
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #08] ボス猫がやってきた! - Le chat patron est venu!
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #09] 街はアスレチック - La ville est l'aire de jeux
Farhan Sarasin - [Current Mood EP #04] Current Mood
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #10] カフェでひと息 - Une pause au café
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #11] まぶたが重い - Mes paupières sont lourdes
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #12] 猫と道化師 - Un clown et les chats
Feryquitous - fens
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #13] 夕焼け空の下で - Sous le ciel rouge
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #14] お出かけ日和 (ピアノソロ) - C'est une belle journée (piano solo)
Masaki Mizusato - [猫の住むまち ~パリとネコの日常~ (The daily life of cats in Paris) #15] いつも通りのこの街に - Pour cette ville comme d'habitude
a_hisa - [shizuku #05] Rainy Waltz
Feryquitous - [Irui] 05. 窓
Powerless - [Raison d'etre #02] Raison d'etre
Powerless - [Raison d'etre #03] Paradigm Shift
Powerless - [Raison d'etre #04] Face To Fake
Powerless - [AVALON #07] Akashie Records
Powerless - [AD:PIANO IV Monochrome CD1 #09] Noblesse Oblige (Long Version)
Powerless - [Instrumental Works Vol.01 #01] Paradoxical Logic
BlackY - [AD:PIANO VII - Alternative- #06] Kaguya
ハム - [AD:PIANO VIVACE CD1 #11] Brise Voyage
BlackY - [AD:PIANO 2 CD1 #03] Decisive Factor
Jerico - [AD:PIANO 2 CD1 #01] Cointreau Orange
xi - [AD:PIANO #05] 天衣無縫
TOMOSUKE - Macuilxochitl(Long Version)
Powerless - [AVALON #11] Aether
削除 - [L'aventale #04] Rover trip
Sakuzyo - [14 Scores] カーニバル [Carnival]
Powerless - [Clearly -AD:HOUSE BEST- CD2 #02] Soleil
Powerless - [AVALON #06] Over the Azure
An & Ryunosuke Kudo - [VELVET CLOAK CD1 #01] Overture and magic
tanigon - [Roots of Rhythm #01] Faceless Void
10th Avenue Cafe/tak - [TOHO BOSSA NOVA 2 #03] Acoustic Image
坂上なち - [TOHO BOSSA NOVA 2 #06] Etupirka, Angelica
yana - [TOHO BOSSA NOVA 2 #08] ナルキッソスにさよなら
milka - [TOHO BOSSA NOVA 2 #02] darling, would you catch me?
3L - [TOHO BOSSA NOVA 2 #09] タイニーリトル・アジアンタム
S.C.X - [Wave Motion #01] Intro - Wave Motion
Shibayan Records - [TOHO BOSSA NOVA 8 #09] ふわふわどれみー
An - [CIERA #01] 沁水の箱庭