FFF "Gypsy Road" Live Cover Practice, Day 5 – (Five Minutes for Four Weeks)

FFF "Gypsy Road" Live Cover Practice, Day 5 - (Five Minutes for Four Weeks) Listen

A livestream from David Geliebter published in Jazz

-In Five Minutes for Four Weeks (FFF), I practice a routine for five minutes a day for six days a week for four weeks to show the viewer the progress that is possible with consistent practice, and that it is O.K. to post content with mistakes.
-Feel free to join me at 7:40 AM Eastern Time sun-fri.
-The link should be available on my homepage shortly before the livestream begins.
-If you would like to be emailed with the new link each sun-fri, please tell me so in the comments.
-During the livestream, I may not see comments as they are being posted, but I hope to respond at the end of the livestream after the five minutes of playing.
-Song List for Requests: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hd91q0TwJ-rRT514HCQoY0DwBVDSEWve/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114084519305184950476&rtpof=true&sd=true