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YouTube Nation is our daily show that scours the web to help you find great videos weekdays 6pm PT / 9pm ET / 2am GMT / 7:30am IST and Saturday.
Today, YouTube Nation delivers great videos like an express baby delivery, beatbox meets tap, Bitcoin explained, and the future of the open internet.
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Everything You Need to Know About Net Neutrality ttp://goo.gl/fsHBDo
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Featured in this show:
A Threat to Internet Freedom | Op-Docs | The New York Times http://goo.gl/HPBP84
By The New York Times: http://youtube.com/TheNewYorkTimes
Everything You Need to Know About Net Neutrality ttp://goo.gl/fsHBDo
More on Net Neutrality:
Beatbox Tap by Collision of Rhythm http://goo.gl/43EI2T
By Bronkar Lee: http://youtube.com/bronkarlee
Valet Baby (Censored) #GoPro http://goo.gl/7RxD2i
By Troy Dickerson: http://youtube.com/troydickerson
Cro - Traum (Official Version) http://goo.gl/QocMe6
By Chimperator Channel: http://youtube.com/ChimperatorTV
DENA - Cash, Diamond Rings, Swimming Pools http://goo.gl/bSJC3L
By denafromtheblock: http://youtube.com/denafromtheblock
Trust (Gabe & Max Need Help Ep. 3) http://goo.gl/E4HVb6
By Thundershorts: http://youtube.com/thundershortsvideos
About Bitcoin: The Story of Genesis http://goo.gl/22zLVi
By 1A4STUDIO: http://youtube.com/1A4STUDIO
Jungle - Time http://goo.gl/C0m7wF
By JungleVEVO: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaICFskQWXSb0XDsM3xhEfQ
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Jacob's wardrobe provided by Band of Outsiders - http://bandofoutsiders.com