Haunting Music for Bassoon

Haunting Music for Bassoon Listen

A livestream from Sergey Neiss published in Classical

Alienation for Bassoon - Sergey Nesterov. Performed by Matthew Rasmussen

Full video: https://youtu.be/tVDDU1-xkgg?si=SVhmnIpg_VP-7xVZ

#contemporarymusic #newmusic #bassoon #solomusic #ucla

A deeply personal piece, it depicts a person dealing with emotional isolation. The two prominent sound worlds in this piece are the 'howling' lamenting intonations in the higher register that act as a sort of cry, a reaching out for help. The other sound world is the growls, vile fluttering notes in the low register – it’s an aggressive and bitter 'response' of the person to the silence of the world.

#classical #contemporary #bassoon #solobassoon #bassoonsolo #stravinsky #prokofiev #shostakovich #corigliano #johncorigliano #фагот #солофагота #фаготсоло #классика #классическаямузыка #современнаямузыка #академическаямузыка #современнаяклассическаямузыка #стравинский #прокофьев #шостакович #игорьстравинский #сергейпрокофьев #дмитрийшостакович #новаямузыка #свежаямузыка #классика #авангард #авангарднаямузыка #avantgarde #avantgardemusic #saintsaens #debussy #сенсанс #дебюсси #клоддебюсси