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Dear Fellow Musician,
Let's face it.
Most musicians fail to reach professional "guru" status because they place themselves in a musical box.
You see, they think just because they play one particular style of music, that they should only learn chords, patterns, and tricks from that same genre.
Simply put, if they're gospel musicians, they tend to buy only gospel courses.
If they're country musicians, they generally seek out country-related material.
...and I'm not saying this is wrong. I'm just saying that it's limiting.
It's like a basketball player refusing to train outside the gym because of a misconception that only track stars "run the bleachers."
Or a chef that only cooks chicken (...and never includes other dishes, cultures, meats, or flavors in their recipes).
Personally, I think music is the same way.
Good musicians pick a genre, learn everything about that one genre, and ultimately sound good in their "comfort" settings.
Great musicians master several genres. They're able to play in any setting, and most importantly, take things that are "commonplace" in one genre, and "sneak" them into another (...and usually wowing people while they're at it).
Being "good" is fine but in my opinion, good is the enemy of great.
If you only want to be good, take my advice above and you'll do "good" in certain environments.
If you want to be great, however, keep reading everything I have to share with you on this page...
Visit http://www.HearandPlayJazz.com for more...
To download our free 30-pg gospel chord guide, visit https://goo.gl/yKUixr
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