Caroline takes the kids through a basic hip hop step called "Ball, Change, Step" which you can do at home. This step ball change move is used in many other forms of dance as well, including ballet, jazz and ballroom. This shows how you can change it up to fit a different dance style. Check out a few of her hip hop steps and put your own routine together.
Check out more hip hop videos in our street style kids dance section at http://www.fitforafeast.com/dance_street_style.htm
A new online beginner hip hop dance course is available at http://www.hiphopcrusher.com where you can learn popping, locking, old school, hip hop dance moves, steps in over 50 lessons with 10 instructors. Work your way through the levels at your own pace, then try the moves in combos.
This video shows a very basic step to get kids interested in hip hop dance techniques. Check out the Fit For a Feast channel for more free hip hop dancing video lessons. If you want to take a complete Hip Hop Dance Class for Beginners where you will get tips, advice and step by step instruction from professional dancers, check out Hip Hop Crusher online hip hop dance class for kids, tweens and teens.
If you are looking for more challenging hip hop combos, you can also view some of our later videos (where we are much bigger!)
Dance with Carlena Britch (one of Justin Bieber's dancers): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bpndyOdPms
Combo with teacher Mike Rhodes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ7-KA6bjjk
Intermediate lesson with Tatiana Parker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DOQzL5y5Hg
You can follow us on facebook and see newer photos and updates: http://www.facebook.com/fitforafeast
Please sub our channel: http://www.youtube.com/fitforafeast and check out the other dance tutorials, dance performances, acro moves and more. Thanks for watching!