Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDrhIyB7Ig4C6fzVscGmr6ssw
Watch more How to Dance videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/425024-How-to-Dougie
Feel like getting fresh on the dance floor? Here are some steps that teach you how to dougie.
Step 1: Pump up the tunes
Turn on music with a driving 4-beat pattern at a tempo of about 88 beats per minute. Feel the beats pulse through you as you prepare to dougie.
Step 2: Assume the position
Relax your body. Shift your weight to the balls of your feet, bend your knees slightly, and place your arms out in front of you with the elbows slightly bent.
Pretend you're holding a car’s steering wheel to get the correct arm position.
Step 3: Move your body
On the first and second beats, move your hips and turn your wrists while raising your shoulder slightly. Move to the left twice on the third beat before swaying back to the right on the fourth beat, completing the pattern: left, right, left-left, right.
Step 4: Brush your head
As you continue swaying your hips, slick your hand back over your head.
Step 5: Make it your own
Spice up your dougie -- brush the backs of your hands over your chest, pluck your shirt up at the shoulders, or move your arms forward and back at the elbow. Once you've found a personal style, head to the dance floor and show your new, smooth moves.
Did You Know?
The dougie was inspired, in part, by rapper Doug E. Fresh.