How to bboy breakdance hand hop tutorial guide
With practice and mental preparation this tutorial will help teach you how to do one handed but also two handed hand hops.
Work out with me!
in my opinion constancy is key so be sure to practice constantly and don't give up. over time you will acquire the muscle memory and skills to be able to do this move.
instagram https://www.instagram.com/focusedlucas
music from this video created by me: my music channel - http://www.youtube.com/ballzmusic
T-shirt and other apparel available on: pigmie.spreadshirt.com
Additional Links mentioned in video:
Stretching tutorial: https://youtu.be/8Qt9XY2K_yY
Handstand tutorial: https://youtu.be/OjREMj0zuN0
Handhop progression video: https://youtu.be/5rc9_sn9yUw