Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDri2b41x755xfVmkcddnPLnS
Like these Hip Hop Lessons !!! Check out the official app http://apple.co/1hu3S9E
Products for the Kid who loves Hip Hop:
Hip Hop For Kids: School House Hip Hop http://amzn.to/1LkDqdW
Hip Hop For Kids (Dance) http://amzn.to/1G0w4fp
Hip Hop For Kids: Pop! Lock! and Break! http://amzn.to/1JVzWt1
Learn To Hip Hop Collection: Volume 1, 2 & 3 - Featuring Shane Sparks http://amzn.to/1jRE0FZ
Tinkerbell Dance Studio: Learn Hip-Hop Step-By-Step http://amzn.to/1MgWMgz
Watch more Hip-Hop Dance Moves for Kids videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/508492-How-to-Pop-Lock-and-Drop-It-Kids-HipHop-Moves
Hey what's up. Here's another one for you that you have to try. I know you probably tried it in the room with the door closed and in the bedroom. I see you. But now we learn it how to do it the right way. Yeah. This is called Pop Lock and Drop It. We got Ashley over there and we got Genesee. This is how it's done.
Your hands, they're like this, alright? We got them right here, hands are together and without the bottom, just your hands are going to go, to the right side, to the left side. And then your hands go up. That's where you drop it. So, watch for the hands, they go to the right side, to the left side, and then they drop it. There you go. So, their body is going to drop although the hands are going up. So I'm saying right left drop it, but the hands are going up.
So, again, here's where the arms are, right, left, drop it. Got it? Five, six, seven, eight, they go right, left, drop it, faster. Five, six, seven, eight, right, left drop it. Now the legs, go, you bend your knee, on the right side, then you bend your knee on the left side, and then when you drop down your knees open so it looks like this. There's your drop. Okay? So you go right knee, in, left knee in, then you drop it. And when you put it all together slowly it looks like this. You go pop, lock, and drop it. There you go, you go, pop, lock, and drop it. There you go, you go, pop, lock and drop it. Now you learned it. Pop, lock, and drop it. Look at the knees, it goes, pop lock and drop it. Got it? Pop lock drop it.
In Hip Hop like I said before you have to use your knees, you have to bend your knees, you can't just stand there with straight legs and moving the top of your body. It happens sometimes but most of the time you're going to have to use your knees, you're going to have a bounce in it. So in this you see the knees and you have a bounce. We're going to try it again, no music. Try it along with them, six, seven, eight. You got pop lock, drop it. Again. Pop lock drop it. Last time, pop, lock, drop it. Now to the music. Let's give it a try. Pop lock, there. Pop lock, you go. Pop, lock and drop it yo. Pop Lock and drop it there it is. Pop lock and drop it. Pop lock and drop it. That's the dance. Pop lock and drop it. Try it. Pop lock and drop it.