Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD20F8FD8E563ED7E
Watch more How to DJ videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/498809-How-to-Scratch-DJ-Lessons
The first one we're just going to focus on the hand to record movement. And it's the most simplest scratch to learn is baby scratching. You can also use a scratch to queue up your records and you headphones. And it's just a simple forward and back movement. First thing you want to do is you want to locate the very beginning of your sound. We're going to use "ah". Keep in mind the sharpest part of the sound is the very beginning. So if you notice at the very beginning of the sound its sharp. In the middle of the sound, kind of dull. So you want to stay right on top of the sound. You don't want to apply too much pressure on the turn table because you don't want to stop the flow of the platter. You want the turn table, if you are using turn tables, you want that motor to still keep on continuing to rotate. You want to place your hand in this little V-pocket here. Ok, if this was a clock it will be between 8 and 10 or 11. You don't want your hand to go beneath that V-pocket or above. If you are above, you're in the danger zone, you're going to end up hitting the needle under the groove. And if you're underneath that V-pocket it's an awkward hand position. So you want to keep your hand somewhere, you know, try to find that sweet spot within that V-pocket. Right, place your hand on the record,and when you're ready to start you just grab, get your sound ready,we're using "ah", we're going to go forward and back. That completes a baby. Forward. And back. So this is, now I'm going to do four babies in a row. Now I'm going to do four babies in a row and I'm going to release. Now the next scratch is called "chirping". So there's two ways to break down chirping, the first way is the easiest way. I'm going to start with the fader in the middle, okay. So what I'm going to do is place my hand on the record between that V-pocket at like 9 o'clock or so. And we're going to, I'm going to move the record forward. When I move the record forward I'm going to close the fader and cut that sound in half. I'm going to open the fader and you're going to hear a full back sound. A full back pull. So you cut the forward sound in half and when you open the fader you pull the record back. So pretty much what completes a chirp is forward motion getting cut and back motion hearing in full. What you want to keep in mind is your hands are moving together, you're not isolating them. You're moving them together and you're moving them away from eachother. So when you're moving the record forward you're closing the fader, when you pull the record back you're opening the fader. One more time. So I'm goin to do four chirps and I'm going to release. Okay so that's how to chirp. Next scratch is called the "forward scraching" you only want to hear the forward sound. You don't want to hear any back pull. Your hand on the fader has to be faster than your hand on the record. The reason you want your hand on the fader to be faster is you want that hand to beat the hand on the record so you don't hear any pull back. Okay the fader is closed i'm going to open the fader and release the record at the same time to hear the forward sound. If you notice I closed the fader right away so you don't hear any back pull. If I didn't do that this is what it would sound like. It sounds a little ugly, you want to clean that up right, a little sloppy. Sou you want to just only hear the forward sound you don't want to hear any back pull. So again. OKay, so I'm going to do four forward scratches and I'm going to release.