Poolside - Indie / Bedroom / Pop / Surf Rock - 24/7 Radio - Nice Guys Chill FM
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Welcome to our brand new radio live !
Non stop indie music, psych-pop, surf rock, lofi pop, & gems we love.
Playlist curated & updated by Nice Guys team.
Updated every week
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!playlist ➫ our official playlist showcasing our favorite gems
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🎸 Nice Guys delivering the nicest melodies for you on our channel
➫ http://bit.ly/2CT8fpa
💿 We also produce some slick records
➬ http://bit.ly/2rbbWWH
👋 Come say hello
➬ https://www.facebook.com/NiceGuysRecords
➫ https://www.instagram.com/nice_guys_records/
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📜 Few Rules
1. No Offensive / Discrimination hate (Jokes are allowed and a bit of trolling, but not serious hate)
2. No Racism, strictly bannable.
4. You may speak in any language.
5. Be nice to everyone, spread good vibes, and don't forget to check the new uploads
6. Enjoy.
💌 Contact / Submissions (soundcloud links ONLY)
➬ niceguys.contact@gmail.com
Visuals by Thomas Harnett O'Meara