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LA CUP 2013: The Netherlands vs Hungary - Team Battle 4 x 4
Spain: 57 Points - Belgium: 20 Points
how does the point system work:
0 points for a defeat
1 point for a draw
3 points for a win in solo
5 points for a win in team
each judge is able to give away full points to a team member.
Judges were Felix Zenger (Fin), Pepouni (CH), Skiller (Bul), Slizzer (Lux) & ZeDe (CH)
Swissbeatbox.com provides video clips from professional beatboxers and new talents all over the world, film concerts and battles and has a vision to bring beatbox to another level.
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Thanks for your support
Please watch: "NaPoM | Grand Beatbox SHOWCASE Battle 2016 | Elimination"