How to Dougie: http://bit.ly/DOUGIE
Instructions1. For the first part of the move, walk it out for a four count. Walk your right foot forward, followed by your left, counting "one and two and three and four," where the numbers are your right foot and the "ands" are your left.
You can incorporate hand movements with each step to add to your dancing. Bring each hand out with each matching foot.
2. Go into the Dougie. Step to the left with your left foot, bring your right foot slightly to the left, turning it slightly inward before landing the foot on the ball. While doing this, bend your knees into a dip.
3. Bring your right foot straight to the right, pushing off with the ball and keeping it turned in. While doing this, unbend your knees.
4. With your torso, lean to the right, then fluidly move back to the center and lean to the left. Lean to the same same your stepping.
5. Bring your left foot to the right and turn it slightly inward, landing the foot on the ball. While doing this, bend your knees into a dip.
6. Step your left foot straight to the left, pushing off with the ball and keeping it turned in. While doing this, unbend your knees.
7. Go into a kick, followed by a cross-step. Kick forward with your right foot, your hands crossed in front of you. Use your right foot to cross in front of your left, then step out to the left with your left foot.
8. Cross your left foot in front of your right, then step out to the right with your right foot. When you cross-step to the left or right, bring both hands out to your sides.
9. Go into the
cat daddy. Dip your hips while crossing one arm in front of you and one arm in back of you. Change your arm path to a wheel pattern, rolling your arms forward in a circle.
Rock your hips back and forth while your arms move, making sure that your upper body is bouncing in rhythm with your hips.
10. From your drop out of the cat daddy, step out with your left foot and go into the
jerk. Start with your legs open wider than shoulder width. Bend your torso forward, tilting forward and backward in rhythm as you lean to the right and slightly forward.
11. Bring your torso up to the center and drop it to the other side, leaning to the left. Repeat, going further and further down toward the floor until you're as low as you can get.
12. From your last jerk, go into the
Steve Martin. Step forward with your right foot, leaning forward and bending at the knees and waist while you raise your arms up and out to both sides, slightly bending your elbows.
13. Lower your arms and step forward with your left foot, leaning backward and bending at the knees.
14. Step forward with your forearms at your chest, your right forearm going left and your left forearm going right below it.
15. Raise your left knee, bending your right knee slightly, crossing your right forearm over your left above your left knee. With your arms at your sides, push your left leg out behind you, pivot on your right leg and perform a 180 degree spin to the left. During the turn, get your left leg back into the raised knee position.
16. Step down and forward with your left leg. Repeat with your opposite foot.
17. From the Steve Martin, criss-cross your feet for four more counts. With each criss-cross, punctuate the move by punching the air with your opposite hand.
18. Finish the dance with some trace waves, tracing your right arm, followed by tracing a left side body wave and tracing back over the right arm. This is followed by an arm wave out to the left side, bringing it back into the body and out through the right arm.
19. Bring your right arm across your chest and bend forward, then bend back up and step out with your arms by your side.
20. Feel free to end with any pose you want—arms crossed against the chest, hands on your hips, head to the side, etc.
Music by Btonez of #TeamWest Productions
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