lofi hip hop radio 🐈 beats to relax / study to [24/7] Japanese

lofi hip hop radio 🐈 beats to relax / study to [24/7] Japanese Listen

A livestream from lofi chill music Japan published in Hip-hop

■ Artwork 🎨 by Studio Anycs

We are engaged in activities to support Japanese manga artists, animators, and illustrators through music.

■ lofi chill music Japan
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■ Credits
* Provided by Lofi Girl - https://lofigirl.com/
* This music is free to use in your livestreams & videos - https://bit.ly/lofigirl-usethemusic
* Listen on Spotify, Apple Music and more - https://fanlink.to/lofigirl-music
* All Rights Belong To Their Respective Owners.
