Melbourne Shuffle Arm Movements | Hip-Hop How-to

Melbourne Shuffle Arm Movements | Hip-Hop How-to Listen

A livestream from Howcast published in Hip-hop

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What's up? This is Matt Steffanina and today I'm going to teach you guys how to incorporate arm movements while shuffling. The most important thing when you're using your arms is to know that there are no rules. There's no right or wrong. It's just whatever feels comfortable. When you're doing the running man, a lot of times it feels good to just do a natural running motion with it. So, when my right leg is front, bring my left arm up. When I switch my feet, switch my arms. Also, when you're doing the running man, you can swing your arms side to side like this, so going with the leg that's in front. So, when my front leg, my right leg is in front, my arms go to the right. You can even keep your arms by your side. The only thing that you don't want to do with your arms is let them dangle, so that when you're shuffling they're just all over the place like spaghetti. You want to make sure that whatever you're doing with your arms, you're doing it on purpose, so if they're pressed down to your side, keep them strong to your side. When you're doing the T-step, the same rules apply. You can run with your arms. You can press them down to your side. Be creative and have a good time.