A Rap News summary of the past week's remarkable series of events. It started off as a slow news day, and a routine update on the state of the Free World Order with NSA Director General Baxter. But then the news broke of startling revelations from the fearless paladin of adversarial journalism, guardian of civil liberties, journalist Glen Greenwald, concerning a shadowy spying program called PRISM. Who is behind these revelations, and how should we view them? How will the Authorities, and the Corporations implicated, respond? Join Robert Foster for a whirlwind summary of the events in this ongoing saga... in Rap News 19
- Written & created by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant in a suburban backyard home-studio in Melbourne, Australia - on Wurundjeri Land.
** SUPPORT the production of new episodes of Juice Rap News, an independent show, by making a donation: http://thejuicemedia.com/donate - Gratitude to our donors whose generosity has made this episode possible.
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- Sign the White House petition for Snowden: (copy and paste) www(dot) petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/pardon-edward-snowden/Dp03vGYD
- For outstanding journalism follow Glen Greenwald on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ggreenwald and via the Guardian: (copy and paste) www(dot) guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/series/glenn-greenwald-security-liberty
Also check out Edward Snowden's original video (by awesome film maker Laura Poitras): /watch?v=5yB3n9fu-rM
Here are the articles containing Snowden's leaked documents: (copy and paste) www(dot) guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/06/us-tech-giants-nsa-data
www(dot) guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/08/nsa-boundless-informant-global-datamining
And for those who weren't around in 1992: Informer, by Snow: /watch?v=NtILxBszyf8
- Written by Giordano & Hugo
- Beat: 'The Product' - by Jake One: /watch?v=6-DueMTmW5w
- Reworking of Snow 'Informer' by Able8 -- an awesome beatmaker http://www.soundcloud.com/able8 -- who graciously agreed to debase his usual style for us in this episode.
- Performed by Hugo - with Giordano (as Glenn Greenwald)
- Mark Zuckerberg performed by Louis Gundermann.
- All vox by Hugo except Snow(den) 'Whistleblower' vocals by Ming Lang.
- Video and music editing by Giordano
- Images and Rio background by Photoshop ninja Zoe Tame: http://www.visualtonic.com.au
- Greenwald special effects by our Rap News fx-wizard, Jonas Schweizer.
- Props to Zoë Umlaut for creating Greenwald's shield of rights and pen-sword, and to Gilles Gundermann for the armour.
- Thanks to Koolfy from http://nurpa.be for creating the sync'd English captions for all our episodes, including this one.
- Thanks to Lucy for shoot assistance!
- Merci, Julie Chatagnon for French translation!
- Obrigado, Euclides for Portuguese translation!
- Danke, Alexander (http://youtube.com/memefightclub) for German translation!
- Děkuji, Jaromír for Czech translation
- תוֹדָה!, Jonathan for Hebrew translation
- спасибо, Victor for Russian translation
- хвала, Tamara for Serbian translation
- Dank u, Jonas Maebe for Dutch translation
- Gracias, Tania for Spanish translation
- Domo arigato, Takanori Eto ( 江藤貴紀 ) for Japanese translation
- Sağol!, Rumeysa Örnek for Turkish translation
- xie xie Hannah Yun for Chinese Translation
- kiitos, Lia Daskalopoulos for Finnish translation
If you'd like to translate this episode into your language, please contact us via our website http://thejuicemedia.com/contact
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