The first (and only!) Rap Rock live stream for genre bending artists like Linkin Park, Rage Against The Machine, Machine Gun Kelly and Grandson and Fever 333
Streaming an epic mix of Nu-Metal, Rap Metal, Punk Rap, Trap Metal, Rap Rock as well as music for Gaming, Workout, Gym, Running, etc. In a 24/7 epic mix.
Listen to the Rap Rock Genre Benders playlist on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2h87fyjsMNpGjK3RsDveBt?si=47cda2396e7743ec
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Playlist Push: https://submitmusic.to/RapRockGenreBenders
Musosoup: https://app.musosoup.com/submit/rexarcum
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Twitter - https://twitter.com/RexArcum
Dropout Kings - Virus https://www.instagram.com/dropoutkingsaz/
Romes - Brokenasyou. https://www.instagram.com/romes/
Romes- Chillthefuckout.
Luke Revyn - Razors https://www.instagram.com/lukereyvn/
Luke Revyn - Sweet Revenge
Brody - All I have https://www.instagram.com/brodymckeegan/
Brody - Sirens
Love Ghost - Wolfsbane https://www.instagram.com/loveghost_official/
Love Ghost - Peace = Madness
Love Ghost - Cocoon
Keeper - SOUL https://www.instagram.com/guessimkeeper/
Keeper - Blue-Eyes
Keeper - Sorry!
Keeper - Change
Keeper - Homegrown
Keeper - Sulk
Aleister - Life Line https://www.instagram.com/aleisterofficial/
Television Skies - believe in u https://www.instagram.com/televisionskiesband/
Television Skies - Where I'm Standing Now
Television Skies - Lonely On The Moon
Rauli V - Can't FeeL https://www.instagram.com/iamrauliv/
Sorry X - Black Polish https://www.instagram.com/sorryxmusic/
Sorry X - Brain Freeze
Sorry X - Even Stevens
Sorry X - IKWYD
Sorry X - Listerine
Sorry X - Pulling Teeth
Cheezy Grin - Derealization https://www.instagram.com/cheezygrinoffical/
Cheezy Grin - Isolated
Cheezy Grin - Too Fast
Mattmac - Status https://www.instagram.com/mattmaconline/
Rex Arcum - We're at War https://www.instagram.com/rexarcum/
Rex Arcum - Hazy
MNERVA - Talk Too Much https://www.instagram.com/mnerva_official/
MNERVA - I'm Not You
MNERVA - Quarter Life Crisis
Emerson Vernon - Cameras https://www.instagram.com/akawolfi/
Emerson Vernon - Medication
Emerson Vernon - Get Up!
Emerson Vernon - Hex Girl
Seez.On - Me M.F. https://www.instagram.com/seez.on/
HEREFORTHEROSES - Got Me Like https://www.instagram.com/herefortheroses/
Thehighwaystory - Caroline https://www.instagram.com/thehighwaystory/
Thehighwaystory - WHY I LIVE
Thehighwaystory - Save Me
Unversed - The Abyss https://www.instagram.com/unversedmusic/
Unversed - Venomous Kiss
Unversed - In the Dark (Still Alive)
Unversed - Broken & Hollow
Unversed - Damnation
Unversed - Find My Light
Jonah Michael - start again. https://www.instagram.com/jonah_ohwell/
Jonah Michael - oh well.
Jonah Michael - shadow.
Sickret - Fatlip https://www.instagram.com/sickretmusic/
Sickret - Pressure
Sickret - So Sick
Sickret - Revealation
Sickret - Villain
Sickret - Renegade
Sickret - Embrace the Hate
Sickret - Home
Sickret - Siren's Cry
Sickret - Inkception
Sickret - Greetings from Babylon
Sickret - Bring the Peace
#raprock #numetal #trapmetal #rapmetal #punkrap #nupunk