RELENTLESS DOPPELGANGER m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/

RELENTLESS DOPPELGANGER m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ Listen

A livestream from DADABOTS published in Metal

Neural network generating technical death metal, via livestream 24/7 to infinity.

Read about it on VICE

Trained on Archspire with modified SampleRNN. Read more about our research into eliminating humans from metal:

This is the 3rd spawn
1st spawn Streamed live on Mar 25, 2019 for 3,057 hours
2nd spawn Streamed live on Sep 4, 2019 for 42,660 hours


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