24/7 stream of conscious Reggae music.
Roots, Dubwise and steppa.
If you are enjoying the stream, please consider subscribing and liking the video. This helps more people see the stream in their suggestions.
32 new tunes added (November 4th)
28 new songs added (October 18th)
BANDCAMP: http://bit.ly/LBDUBbandcamp (Records and T-Shirts)
SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/LBDUBspotify
FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/LBDUBFB
INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/LBDUBinsta
SOUNDCLOUD: http://bit.ly/LBDUBsoundcloud
All music played from high quality WAV files where possible.
Support the artists!! If you like a certain song, @ me in the chat or email me and I will send you a link to where you can purchase the music.
Contact: lewisbennettdub@gmail.com
Respect & Love
Video clips cut from:
Ras Kitchen : https://www.youtube.com/user/RasKitchen (amazing channel, check them out!)
Scientist On Dub: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GvhMHJKJvM&
I-tal Soup: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC94hgCzj_LQmphW1AUsXFGg