music by @Closed on Sunday / artwork by @prophet_art_ / 3d modeling by Daniel Andersson
Listen on all platforms ✨ https://fanlink.to/starwarslofi
Hang out in our discord! https://discord.gg/closedonsunday
Featuring star wars lofi beats by @Closed on Sunday
1 - main title theme https://youtu.be/RWImxvmsLRg
2 - the droid invasion https://youtu.be/KrWA6T7vHs0
3 - duel of the fates https://youtu.be/YPVMqwguMwg
4 - across the stars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CyEYL4sh_s
5 - love pledge and the arena https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPkq6Ojigak
6 - the clones https://youtu.be/uDJ30o49YD0
7 - ahsoka's theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdgDTBTsKfQ
8 - general grievous https://youtu.be/iJWt_pmlB8I
9 - emperor palpatine https://youtu.be/5WldOq2kBNA
10 - jedi temple march https://youtu.be/0dadAXXwPIY
11 - anakin's dark deeds (i'm so sorry) (feat. King I Divine) https://youtu.be/guu0-kVOUAc
12 - battle of the heroes https://youtu.be/YBgASWchQPc
13 - maul lofi https://youtu.be/ertlgXMlX5M
14 - burying the dead (feat. Bransen) https://youtu.be/w6oGh22iMlg
15 - ahsoka vs vader https://youtu.be/fwUpSL03Lgw
16 - bad batch theme (feat. King I Divine) https://youtu.be/mFawdeQlIAY
17 - jedi fallen order (sugaan essena) https://youtu.be/lJCtulSLHNU
18 - darth vader (feat. King I Divine) https://youtu.be/IZToW-pdUlQ
19 - binary sunset https://youtu.be/ljICgPyd7ck
20 - cantina band https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOR29B8v-Zk
21 - rescue of the princess https://youtu.be/4vvhgszIxsI
22 - the throne room (feat. King I Divine) https://youtu.be/wnB50xbV3UA
23 - cantina band 2 (feat. King I Divine) https://youtu.be/R--dlfHL404
24 - ben's death and tie fighter attack (feat. kawaii club) https://bit.ly/3iy8dHW
25 - imperial march https://youtu.be/UT5qlJWdis8
26 - yoda's theme (feat. King I Divine) https://youtu.be/JhpsuH_CBlY
27 - hoth ice caves (the force theme) (feat. King I Divine) https://youtu.be/LUqaAP4aM5c
28 - han and leia's theme (feat. King I Divine) https://youtu.be/JQSo7meqW4I
29 - jabba's palace (closed on sunday & Less Gravity) https://youtu.be/MYs70UmkbWA
30 - jedi rocks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiKhhd6l3CE
31 - victory celebration https://youtu.be/pfrazxdsXc0
32 - the mandalorian https://youtu.be/ETsNv2AVn6k
33 - dark trooper theme https://youtu.be/lo8YEH2ONxw
34 - grogu's theme (feat. King I Divine) https://youtu.be/udMgeAnJccA
35 - book of boba lofi https://youtu.be/O1os7QlLV_4
36 - rey's theme https://youtu.be/qLntVZ1EAGw
37 - march of the resistance https://youtu.be/om-ZXtAFqCg
Art and effects animation by:
Original YouTube video:
Character and puppet animation by Logan Himango
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