Derick Watts & The Sunday Blues are back with another typically South African-themed parody video. The "Braaiday" creators turn their attention to car guards, and give you a glimpse into a previously unseen world - one where anything can happen whilst you are away from your beloved vehicle.
Featuring a cameo or two from several well-known faces, this video will make you laugh, cry and reach for a R5 coin all at the same time! You'll never look at the brave men and women who put themselves on the line to protect your car in the same way again.
Guest vocals by Evelyn Hart:
Ard Matthews:
Buy the original song, "Love The Way You Lie" by Eminem feat. Rhianna on iTunes: http://bit.ly/ituneslovethewayyoulie
©2012 NIcholas Smal & Gareth Allison
You think I just stand here and watch your ride
But that's not all there's so much more than meets the eye
So now you return with a big sigh
Handing me a 2 when I at least deserve a 5
I can't tell you what I go through
I can only promise ill protect you
In this job, the responsibility is so huge
I can't leave, gotta keep your vehicle within site
No matter what happens I'll protect it with my own life.
Look at this vest...this is your seal Of quality,
Your car it is safe when it's with me, this I can guarantee
So when you inside busy shopping for your groceries
Just know that I'm hard at work to help you keep your mind at ease.
When you working on the street,
The times are tough, when things get rough, you rise above
It is my duty to keep any form of danger at arm's length
Come rain, or shine, I will protect within my own strength
When I put on this vest, I'm like a super hero fighting crime
This is my job, I do not do this part-time
Even though sometimes you gotta be prepared to put your body on the line
You think I just stand here and watch your ride
But that's not all there's so much more than meets the eye
So now you return with a big sigh
Handing me a 2 when I at least deserve a 5
You ever love something so much, you worked so hard to make it happen?
Protecting cars is in my blood, it is my passion
After school I knew exactly what I should be
So I followed my dream - I went to UCG
I studied so hard, the nights were long
Quitting was the easy way out, but I stayed strong
Graduation day came, I was on top of the world
The streets were my oyster and the car was my pearl
But it isn't all fun and it isn't all games
You get your hands dirty earning people's spare change
Sometimes you get silver and sometimes you get bronze
Other times you get to the peoples car, but the people are gone
So many close calls that go unseen
So many different kinds of people always treating you mean
I Keep your car safe man, is that such a crime?
But still you say u got no cash, you'll pay me next time
I stand here and watch you drive
Left here empty handed, I won't let you see me cry
Tired of the rejection - my hope runs dry
Lost all motivation, don't know why I even try
Why do I even try?
"My brother, what's the problem?
Why have you taken off your vest?
Are you quitting? I heard you were one of the best!"
It's hopeless, every day these people treat me the same
They do not show any appreciation for my trade.
"Should I call the pity police at the nearest phone booth,
or are you gonna listen as I spit you some truth?
Look at me dawg, I'm the Car Guard King
Do you think I earned that title sitting down and crying?
You gotta recognise no pain no gain
I got five rands hanging from my neck and my chain
I got to where I am with hard work and lots of pride
And doesn't hurt to sell a little coke on the side..."
Wait, what did you say?!
"Mmmmmhard work and pride!"
No, you said something about...
"Never mind that now, I think my work here is done
Now pick up your vest
your journey has begun
You can finish the rest!"
How could I have been so blind?
Those epic words of wisdom hit me right between the eyes
This is my message to all mankind:
When you're not around, your car is safe within my sight
It's safe within my sight