The Decepticon A.I. Matrix 2.0 – Hip Hop Video Mixology ((Plus)) Transcending the "God" Matrix: A…

The Decepticon A.I. Matrix 2.0 - Hip Hop Video Mixology ((Plus)) Transcending the "God" Matrix: A… Listen

A livestream from AwakenYaMind published in Hip-hop

A lil different this time: starting with my massive music mix about all this ai shit, we're going to cut in halfway for a really important video, where I actually sourced some of the quotes from in this mix, so it's to honor that and play it for all.. Then we'll finish the second part of my music mix.. Sound good? cool, let's go!

Transcending the "God" Matrix : Augmented Technical Intelligence with via: George Kavassilas via: I Mm Infinite Love Neil Pascoe via: Innate Awarness and Sethikus Boza via: Black Earth Productions

I'm going to continue this Matrix marathon of livestreams a few more rounds cuz there's a lot I didn't get to cover and display for a well-rounded deep dive into the mirroring matrix world on our own.

credits for the music mix:


Kaotic State of Disturbance Intro
2045 - TransHumanism – NORBZ
Afraid of the Future - No ILLusions
Turbulance (remix) - Deltron 3030
Sonic Wars – Azeem
Teknowledgey - The Mystics
Synthetic – Tonedeff
Continue-Game Over (Phantom TI Matrix) Montags Dust x George Kavassilas
Never Surrender - Dusty Black
Microhard - Bas-1
Revision (snippet) – Visionaries
Automation – CYNE
Transhumanistic Power Outage Interlude
The Fact is There is No Fiction – Basik
Sequential Circus - El*A*Kwents
Brain College - General Electrics
Neo Elo Alfa - Level 6
Cybernetically Sequenced Snippets
Unlocked (snipet) – Kaotic Souls
Artificial (re)Enhancement – Formula Abstract
The Program – BicassoElec Trickman!! – Eligh
Digital - Cosmic & Optimus Rhymes
Technocrat – Samsa
Malfunction (snippet) – Esoin ft. Dem-1 & Diverse
Caricatures – Nite N Dae ft. Mascara
Blood, Sweat and Teargas - Kaotic Souls
Organic Electricity - Aceyalone & Elusive
Feel Me - Ursula Rucker
Outro (Prophecies snippet) – Audiopharmacy

Majority of Video Credits::
No ILLusions - Afraid of the Future
Joy Camp - Happy Days. My iBuddy
The Crowhouse: 5g and the AI Control Grid..
New World Technocracy - Neurofactory
Brain Science - Artificial Intelligence
Are You Lost In The World Like Me - Official Video By Steve Cutts
In This Cold Place By Steve Cutts
Conspiracy Theory of – Spirit Science
Cyborgs, Nanobots & augmented bullshit – Transhumania
Covide Endgame – Angelic Humanity

Originally Created 11/11/2017
Version 2.0 made 10/12/2020 in 432Hz by Derek Bartolacelli

Stay Human, do not conform, do not comply, take care out there and be discernful of the digitalizations from decepticons