Training available in details in #Surdarshan - Guru Shikshya Parampara Live Online Class : www.surdarshanmusic.com
Here legendary singer Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty talks about how one can trained his/her voice.He also talks about when one want to give shape to his/her ideas,voice will listen to himself/herself.
Through Live Online Class one can learn the right aesthetics for becoming a better musician. Live Online Class is the initiative from #Shrutinandan for students who are not able to come an learn directly from him.
Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty has come forward with an exclusive idea of personally teaching the fundamentals of Indian Raga Music and various genres of Indian Music, by conducting Online LIVE Streaming Classes for music lovers spread across the globe. This unique experience finds its roots in the traditional Guru-Shishya Parampara, which is the only way to learn Indian Music. These classes are designed not for the purpose of acquiring knowledge only, but specially to help one become a performer of Indian Music. To get a glimpse of the classes, click on the videos in this playlist.
Check out our website for Live Online Class : http://www.surdarshanmusic.com/
Shrutinandan is happy to announce that the lessons taken by Guruji Padmabhushan Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty are now available for all via PATREON. Whether you are a professional musician, a student of music, or simply a lover of Indian music, you can now be a part of our Shrutinandan family and experience the uniqueness of this method from the comfort of your own homes.
To learn more, visit https://www.patreon.com/ajoychakrabarty
Come, join and explore a whole new path to understand and learn one of the highest forms of art, Indian Music.
For related links please click on the following links:
· For Pandit Ji’s Website : http://www.ajoychakrabarty.com/
· Online Store : http://www.ajoychakrabarty.com/store/home
· For Online Class Website : http://www.surdarshanmusic.com/
· Official Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/pandit.ajoy
· YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/ajoychakrabarty
Official YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/ajoychakrabarty