The internet in LA cut out during the stream. Continue watching here: https://youtu.be/eZV9APisQl4
DONATE & PRIZES: WatskyRelief.com
how does watsky pee? - he has a mic on his shirt, continues to rap, and pees standing up.
how does watsky eat? - one of his cups is a strawberry smoothie.
why is he doing this? - to raise money for artists, crew member and fans that are in financial need due to Covid-19 event cancellations.
I’m currently trying to rap for 33 straight hours to raise money for my band & crew for my postponed tour + my fan relief fund + other needy musicians through the charity Sweet Relief. hope you’re doing ok in quarantine. Thank you for being a part of our live music ecosystem ❤️
Please go to www.watskyrelief.com to explore the different giveaway tiers that correspond with your donation.