What Are Israel's Violations of International Law?

What Are Israel's Violations of International Law? Listen

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An activist swims in one of the most polluted waterways in North America to raise awareness.

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Swimmer Braves Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal, a Superfund Site
"Like most people who have heard anything about the Gowanus Canal - of its murky sludge, oil slicks, raw sewage, carcinogenic chemicals and dying dolphins - Christopher Swain strongly advises against swimming in it."

Superfund Sites
"For most of his adult life Jun Apostol has lived, willingly, in the shadow of a mountain of waste. "

Superfund Suffering Cash Crunch
"Taxpayers may be on the hook as the federal program for cleaning up industrial waste sites keeps getting bigger and its traditional funding stream shrinks, the General Accounting Office reports."

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Can The US Still Call Itself A Wealthy Nation?

Who Controls California's Water?


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